An Easter message from the Steering committee

To all who celebrate Easter at this time in the prisons in our region.

To spend the holidays in prison, far away from one’s family is always hard. To work in a prison during these times, might be stressful knowing but at the same time rewarding.

Easter is the most important time of the Christian year, when we go from darkness to light, from despair to hope and most importantly, from death to life!

This is the peak of the Christian faith, the fundament on which we stand, and our churches are built. But it is also the hardest to comprehend!  But maybe it´s something for inmates and those who work in prisons can relate to. Cause going from darkness to light in one’s life, is what most people long for.

It might be a symbol of their own life’s, cause our faith in God must also be a faith in good.

The good in life is what gives hope for our future. The little things are the ones that can make a big difference in the long run.

To be able to say Happy Easter to each other and to them we meet in the prisons where we work is a message of life and hope. In a place and a world that so desperately needs it.


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