On April 24-27 2018, IPCA Europe organised an Interim Conference in Kiev, Ukraine. Some 60 delegates from 16 countries took part with sessions in the conference centre, Ukranian Parliament and others at the Justice Ministry. The conference also included a visit to a prison in Kiev.
The event was a way of supporting chaplains in Eastern Europe and more particularly in Ukraine, as well as providing prison authorities with chaplains’ perspectives on criminal justice systems.
at Magdalene College, Cambridge
The quinquennial conference of IPCA Europe, with presentations on the theme by Speakers included Magnus Abrahamson, Irene Becci, Andrew Coyle, Alison Liebling, Ann Power Ford, Rod Moore, Rowan Williams, Richard Moth, and Michael Kavanagh, Tony Bottoms, and Tariq Mahmood,
29 February - 3 March 2016
48 Prison Chaplains from 19 countries assembled at the Waldesian Theological Seminary for an interim conference in Rome. Chaplains from Christian Churches and traditions were joined by Muslim and Sikh colleagues from the UK with meetings to consider the diversity of issues facing minorities in prisons across Europe.
The conference produced a conference statement, and was concluded with a sermon presented by IPCA Worldwide committee member, David Buick.
Every year, 25 August, IPCA celebrates the Global Day of Prayer for Prison Ministry. IPCA has produced resources to help you encourage prayer for those engaged in Prison Ministry in English, Swedish, and French.
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